How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor Outside

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor Outside – [Explained]

Septic tanks shouldn’t spread odor if they are maintained properly. So, if you find any odor caused by your septic tank (you’ll understand that easily because you already know how human waste smells), it says that there is a problem in your septic system.

You should get rid of the issue as soon as possible because septic tank odor is not something healthy. It causes serious health hazards that you shouldn’t face. So, you have to take the necessary steps whenever you can feel any odor caused by your septic tank. 

Below here, you’ll find what you have to do after identifying an odor from your septic system. So, go through it quickly.

Ways to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor Outside

Before focusing on the ways, let’s divide the topic into a few parts for better understanding. Typically, septic tank odor can be found in four locations – inside the house, in the yard, near the septic tank, and the drain field. 

So, let’s divide the discussion into these four parts.

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor when It is Inside the House

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor when It is Inside the House

1. When the floor drain tap dries out, it can’t block septic tank gas anymore. As a result, the gas comes back to your house. So, go to your basement and check the floor drain trap first. If it is dry, fill it with water again to get rid of the odor. 

2. If waste is frozen inside the pipe, new waste gets stuck. This also causes odor. So, pour some warm water into your septic system.

3. Another reason can be the ejector sump pump basket. Check the basket and make sure that it is sealed properly. If not, seal it. Get a new seal if required.

4. Check the plumbing vent on the roof. If anything seals it, clean instantly. It can be blocked by snow or ice. In that case, pour some warm water to unclog it.

5. If the toilet wax seal is broken or dried out, it can cause an odor too. In that case, you’ll feel the odor strongly in the toilet. So, check it and replace it if needed. 

6. Odor can be inside your house if there is any hole in the septic system or hole in the plumbing joints. If any of the above steps don’t work, a hole or misplaced joint can be the reason. In that case, call an expert and certified plumber to fix the issue.

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor when It is near the Septic Tank

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor when It is near the Septic Tank

1. The main reason behind this issue is a broken lid. So, check the riser and the lids of the tank to make sure that there is no sign of damage. 

If the lids are made of plastic, check the rubber seal. The rubber seal is given there to hold the odor inside. If it is torn, the odor comes out.

If the lids are made of concrete, make sure that it has some type of seal to keep the odor inside. If there is no seal, install temporary seals for concrete lids. 

2. Check for any damage in the tank. Wet soil in a specific area is a sign of damage in the tank. If you see something like this, fix it with the help of an expert. 

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor when It is in the Yard

1. The normal odor of the septic system needs enough space and wind to disperse away from your lawn. So, make sure that your yard has enough movement of the wind.

2. You can get your plumbing vent pipe a bit extended to make sure that the odor disperses away properly instead of sitting in your yard. Take the help of a plumber to do this if you’re not a DIYer.

3. Install a carbon filter in the opening of your plumbing vent. This helps you to keep odor away. If you already have one, consider replacing it. Such filter typically lasts for around 2 to 5 years.

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor when It is near the Drain field

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor when It is near the Drain field

1. If the odor is near the drain field, check for any wet or soggy soil. This is an indicator of a damaged drain field. If you see anything like this, knock an expert for help.

2. Make sure that no tree is there near the drain field. Roots that go deep break the pipes of the drain field and cause such issues. 

3. Check the pipes of the drain field and fix if there is an issue. Make sure to get the pipes checked and fixed by a professional plumber. 

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor caused by Improper Tank Chemistry

Sometimes odor becomes insane because of improper tank chemistry. To make sure that your tank is not facing something like this, follow the things below.

1. Pour some baking soda inside the septic system through the toilet or sink drain once a week. This helps you to maintain the pH balance of your tank and gives a suitable environment for bacteria to do their job. 

2. Don’t flush non-organic things like cigarette butts, trash, or women’s hygiene product inside the septic tank. Also, stop throwing oils, fats, paint, cleaning products, or any other chemical inside the tank. 

Related Article: How To Find Septic Tank Lid

Final Verdict

Facing such an issue is common even if you maintain your septic system properly. So, you should know these basic steps of taking care of septic odor inside or around your house.

I’ve talked about the most common reasons behind odor and ways to get rid of those. If these can’t stop the odor, knock us for our professional service. Our team is always ready to solve such issues. 

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